Online Business Insurance: the perfect protection to work more peacefully

Establishing and managing a business takes time, investment and a lot of passion but exposes the entrepreneur to a wide range of risks. Hence the need of the most foresighted entrepreneurs to support their company with multi-risk, flexible and modular policies, specifically designed to protect businesses.

This particular type of insurance policy is stipulated with increasing frequency and in the most varied sectors. In fact, we find insurance for the Construction, Agricultural or Food Company as well as policies for industrial and craft activities.

It is clear that: the more the protection net with which you decide to wrap your business is extended, the lower the risk that a claim could damage the health of your company's capital and endanger the continuity of your business.

By equipping yourself with a Business Insurance 101 you have the opportunity to enjoy personalized guarantees based on the specific sector in which your company operates: food, industrial or artisanal. In addition, you can compose your policy as you see fit by entering the forms you prefer. Among the most innovative guarantees, you will find Digital Protection and Income Protection. The Assistance service is also very valuable, providing you, 24 hours a day, with a team of technicians ready to immediately repair any faults.

Here are the main sections of a Business Policy that you find within the insurance products of the most prestigious companies:

• Fire and Property Damage Section

• Civil Liability Section

• Defective Product Liability Section

• Theft and robbery section

• Electric and Electronic Phenomenon Section

• Catastrophe Events Section

• Income Protection Section

• Legal Protection Section

• Assistance section

• Digital Protection Section

Each of the sections on the list consists of a series of guarantees. Some of them are called basic guarantees and are automatically included in the policy you are going to take out. However, there are other guarantees, additional calls, aimed at extending the level of protection of your insurance and protecting the company at 360 °.

Individual Business Insurance: the most suitable solution for small and medium-sized businesses

Calculating an online quote for your business insurance has never been so simple, fast and transparent.

Thanks to our innovative portal, you can immediately start customizing your policy and choosing the sections that best suit your business by filling out a simple information form.

The payment method is very flexible: you can pay online with annual, half-yearly, quarterly, quarterly, monthly installments (current account debit).

Fire and Property Damage

Insurance Fire, more correctly indicated by the expression property damage, not only covers direct physical damage caused to your company by the action of fire. By purchasing this guarantee, in fact, you will be protected for a wide range of risks and events, among which it is worth mentioning:

• lightning

• explosion, implosion, burst

• collision with vehicles and boats

• sonic boom

• crash or fall of aircraft, fall of satellites, fall of meteorites

• smoke, gases, vapors

• fall of lifts, hoists and the like

• expenses incurred for: demolishing, clearing out, removing, transporting the residues of the accident to a suitable landfill

• the research, breaking and repair of gas pipes

• the fees of experts, consultants, engineers,

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